So the 9th of June, Jonas and I went to London.
We arrived late at night and went directly to Hyde Park Hostel. That didn't do so smoothly because despite having booked online and recieving a confirmation email, they didn't have my name in their system -.-' We sorted it out though and was shown to our sleeping quarters; a 12 bed room inhabited by an obnoxious and loud black guy called Smiley and his 'cry all night-sleep all day' friend Lucky. Others came and went while we were there, but those two were a constant.
Anyway, I couldn't sleep so at 5 I wandered around until I found a shower and got myself ready before Jonas got up. Breakfast was served at 7 and at 8, we headed out to explore London for the first time.
The first day, we saw Big Ben, Westminister Abby(not the inside though), The House Of Parlaments, Trafalga Square, St James Park, China Town and all of Oxford Street. Plus a bunch of stores, I got all my shopping done the first day. I love Primark, Boots and Superdrug! Not so fond of Debenhams, they were quite rude. But they sell Urban Decay and Skittles, so I can live with that ^.^
The second day, we went to Camden Lock and spend hours roaming around the stores and marketplaces. It's a wonderland of all alternative lifestyles, cultures, clothes and gadget! We did't get any good pictures though. We also took a short walk through Hyde Park and had some close encounters with a couple of squirrels.
On the third day, we went to see London Bridge and the outside of Tower Of London before stopping by a Earnest Jones and found just the right one. Then we headed for The Eye Of London and at the top of the roundabout, Jonas went on one knee, opened the black box and proposed with a beautiful black ceramic ring with 4 small diamonds imbedded in a silver band. I'm glad the 20 other people up there decided to ignore us completely ^.^' But I said yes.
After that, we decided to go see Camden Lock again and celebrate at The End Of The World with a couple of Black Thorns. Black Thorn is liquide gold! I love that stuff!
The fourth and last day was spend roaming around Oxford street and it's many stores before we went for a walk through Hyde Park where a very sweet asian couple gave us a bunch of nuts to feed squirrels with. Best part of the day! They were so cute and fluffy!
Afterwards we walked by the Prince Albert Memorial Monument and visited an beneficial art exebishion with the most beautiful paintings of animals. There were several I was tempted to buy..
Then we had an amazing dinner at Chinatown(like all other days). All you could eat and drink for barely any money at all, 62 different asian dishes and various soda flavors. YUM!
After that, it was time to head for the airport since we had no energy to explore any more.
At the airport, I discovered the the joy of Marks & Spencers Food discount section because I was bored and got hungry during the night and our flight didn't leave until 8, sunday morning. And no personelle bothered to tell us about the giant shopping mall on the other side of check in though we asked several times if there were more to the airport than M&S and a few random cafés. We still had two hours to explore when we finally went through check in though ^.^
Now, it's time for pictures!
Other experiences we enjoyed:
Napping in the park, COSTA COFFEE, Starbucks, The Military Marching Band, Tokyo Toys, Disney Shop, great beers, polite and helpful people, the tube, the best asian food ever, Volvic Flavored Water, walking 15-20 km a day,
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