onsdag den 20. februar 2013

Happy Birthday

You would've turned 23 today..
I know you loved your birthday, it was your day; a day completely dedicated to you.
So I'll make sure that everyone remembers.

Happy Birthday, sis.
May you enjoy it where ever you are.

onsdag den 13. februar 2013

Near Future Dreams

Despite how much I love winter; newfallen snow on a chrispy cold morning and having a cup of steaming cocoa while a blizzard is raging outside my window, I'm really looking forward to the spring when the ground is thawed and soft.
You see, I dream of remodeling the entire garden and fencing it in so the cats can enjoy the ourdoors in safe surroundings
I dream of having a terrasse where I can sit and enjoy brunch on a sunny morning in the weekends and fire up the barbequ in the evening, while the ladies enjoy the soft grass or chase insects or even birds.
I dream of Angel splashing around in a kiddy pool and a bundle of kittens explore the big world that is our garden, while I tend to my herbes and vegetables.
I dream of expanding the family with a perfect MCO Male, who will get his own residence and enclosure with a neutered companion. Of course I'll tend to them every day and make sure they're never lonely or lacking any comforts.

I always wondered how anyone could have cats that didn't live inside the house with the rest of the family, but the more I read and think and study about having a stud for breeding, the better I understand and the more appealing the idea seems.
A male cat sprays and dominates his territory. This is his nature and no amount of litterboxes, Feliway, training or scolding will prevent it. But by giving him his own residence and enclosure where he is allowed to follow his nature, you get a calmer and happier cat. By adding a neutered companion, you keep him social and friendly towards other cats. And of course by tending to him daily, you keep him cuddly and friendly towards you and other humans.
He can be as much of a family cat as any cat living in the house, it's just a matter of affection and efford.

I already have a pretty good idea how to create a good, warm and cozy home for such a King.
I'll ask the people upstairs if we can change basement, because their room has a window on the southside, by the patch that will turn into a terasse.
I'll section that room into two; one side for storage and the other will be made into a cat home. The window will be made into a door to the outside enclosure by adding a catdoor.
(Inspiration found on gittemarcussen.dk who has beautiful Birmans and dkbjoernholt.dk who has georgous MCO)

Of course this will be the last project in the garden, remodeling and fencing in comes first. Also, I have yet to actually find a stud.
My heart is already set on one, who's absolutely georgous. But unfortunately, the chance of me getting him is very slim, the current owner being unsure of weather she actually want to sell him or not.
He can be seen on misacoonz.com under their studs. His name is Yagami Light.
If I can't get him, I'll look for something of the same type; wide, muscular, big muzzle and lots of fluffy, soft fur.

Goodness, I wish spring would come soon so I can get started..

tirsdag den 5. februar 2013

Sudden Progress

The past month, Felina hasn't left my side for more than a few moments at the time, whenever I'm home. Which is most of the time.
She prefers to be curled up on either my stomach, chest, back or legs, but if there's no space for her there, she'll cuddle up next to me, so close that we're still touching.
Shirley on the other hand has managed to destroy most of the chritmas decorations I hadn't put in the basement yet. I assume she's bored and restless since Felina doesn't want to play these days.
But oh how I love those wonderful creatures.. Hopefully they'll welcome the new edition to the family I'm planning.

Anyway, since my school decided to cancle our agreement to let me be on paid sickleave, I had to contact my county office(Rebild Kommune) and apply for economic support.
Jonas went with me there Thursday last week and we got to talk to some very nice ladies who were quite understanding about my situation and within an hour, I had 3 new meetings arranged within the upcoming week; one to fix my economic situatiion, one with my caseworker and one with their psychologist.
Yesterday, we fixed the economy, tomorrow I'm seeing my new caseworker, Thursday I get money and Monday I'm seeing the psychologist. They want me to get all the help I need, on my own terms and in my own time. They all seem so incredibly nice and understanding which I am certainly not used to from my old county office(Aalborg kommune) who never really did anything but stress me out further when I asked for help.

Today I went to see my new doctor, because apparently the one who put me on sickleave isn't there full time.
I was very wary about suddenly having to talk to a new doctor about everything and it was really difficult to get out the door. Having to sit and wait 40 minutes in the waiting lounge didn't help the situation.
When my name was called, I recognized the man as the one who panicked when I came in with acute bronchitis. Oh no..
But as soon as I sat down in his office and we started talking, he seemed genuinly interested, curious and very professional. My physical healt seemed to concern him a great deal too, so he asked me to get my old medical journal transfered to them because it tells about my previous problems with dizziness, passing out, low vitamine counts etc. He wants to check if my condition might be caused by something physical.
He was very pleased that I already have an appointment with the psychologist who he seemed to know and approve of and he's satisfied with my current medication.
Also, he wants to see me weekly for consultations about depression and anxiety as well as a bunch of tests. Next consultation has been scheduled; after the meeting monday so I just have to get off the train and go see him.

Suddenly, a lot of progress is happening all at once.

Lousy picture, I know..